Hi, I'm Lauren Wagner :)

A Little About Me.

Ahhh, the feeling of true serenity. . .

There have been many moments when this emotion has washed over me - most of them are linked to being in the kitchen crafting something yummy.

Yah know, I believe that the kitchen is the soul of the home. It is here where we experiment with recipes to better understand how ingredients work together. In this space we can make dish after dish, feeling completely satisfied when it comes out perfectly. Then we get to share our creation with those we love most!

Ultimately, I always rediscover a passion and curiosity that has been with me since I was little. It is not uncommon to reminisce on my younger years, climbing onto a chair to reach the counter in order to make a batch of shortbread from my Raggedy Anne Cookbook. So many great memories!

Well, thank you for stopping by! I am so grateful we can share in this journey & I hope these recipes bring you many loving memories!

Feel free to contact me at: LadyBitesBlog@gmail.com

Lauren Wagner Face Close-up

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Lauren Wagner - Lady Bites © 2021
Lil' Ladybug on a chewed leaf